Alex Cooper Art Gallery

Location: Towson, Maryland, USA

Architect: Penza Bailey Architects
Interior Designer: Penza Bailey Architects

This renovation provides office, conference and support space for the Real Estate Division of Alex Cooper Auctioneers. The design takes advantage of a sustainable, yet contemporary, palate of materials and finishes to create an elegant workspace within a former storage space of the headquarters building. Offices were created using DIRTT, a pre-manufactured aluminum and glass wall system that can be de-mounted and reconfigured as the needs of the client change. The glass panels are etched below eye level to give privacy, while still maintaining a sense of connectivity and expansiveness.

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Scope of Work

The lighting design approach was a combination of retail and art gallery. The look and feel of a high-end retail establishment was desired but within the context of the facilities content. This content was more often than not high value antiques and artwork that require a great standard of care. For example, several artists on exhibition at the Baltimore Museum of Art also appear in their art auctions regularly. Therefore lighting quality for both display as well as conservation was a focus. These two goals are often in competition with each other but achieved through the use of the right fixtures, careful spectral analysis and a sophisticated controls scheme. Furthermore, the lighting within the public spaces needed to be adaptable enough to accommodate the various auction events and an ever-changing arrangement of product displays.

Within the back of house office areas, high efficiency contemporary volumetric lighting was used in conjunction with task specific lighting fixtures. A fully integrated control system was deployed to allow users complete freedom in dimming, setting and recalling scenes for any application and for integrated vacancy sensor usage.
